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Dealing with Conflicts Effectively

Coach's CornerCSPE NewsletterNone of us like conflict, yet managing conflict effectively is an essential skill for the physician executive.  Conflicts are inevitable, and cannot be avoided.  All a conflict means is that two people do not agree about something – this...

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Achieving Optimal Physician Engagement

Coach's CornerCSPE NewsletterTake a moment to consider how physicians in your healthcare organization are feeling.  Do they come to work each day with passion and purpose?  Do they feel appreciated and valued?  Do they have a sense of commitment?  Do they believe that...

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Promoting Ourselves

Coach's CornerCSPE NewsletterWhy do we find it so hard to promote ourselves?  I was speaking to a colleague after a meeting and she was reviewing what had just happened in disbelief.  The main topic of discussion had been about creating a new program; but there was no...

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Coach's CornerCSPE NewsletterThe Chair of a large department was telling me how frustrated he was with another department Chair.  He felt as if he were always trying his best to resolve problems between their two groups, but was made to feel like it was never enough. ...

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Successful Career Development for Physicians

Coach's CornerCSPE NewsletterWe have all gotten through medical school training and our residencies, and then started practicing medicine.  We are a group of highly educated, highly trained, and highly skilled professionals.  We’ve arrived, and should be feeling...

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Leadership Lessons

Coach's CornerCSPE NewsletterI was recently invited to participate in a panel on Women and Leadership, as part of the Women’s World 2011 Conference held in Ottawa in early July. The goal was to share thoughts and experiences about leadership thoughts and challenges...

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Senior Leaders: The Challenges and Triumphs

Coach's CornerCSPE NewsletterYou are now a senior leader.  A skilled manager.  You have had many years of experience as a physician executive.  You have vision, influence, strategy, insight, and confidence.  Looking back, getting here was relatively straight-forward. ...

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Understanding and Managing Resistance to Change

Coach's CornerCSPE NewsletterUnderstanding and managing resistance to change Every leader leads change at some point.  Change is essential, inevitable, and leads to progress and unlocks possibilities.  However, change is rarely accepted readily.  In fact, the...

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Career Development: Logical Next Steps and Dealing with Change

Medical PostHelping Hand Column, 2011 #4So, we have now decided that we want to change some aspect of our career in medicine. We must have a clear understanding about our selves, and why we want this change. What is the logical next step?  Whatever we do, it must make...

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Career Development: Deciding and Moving Forward

Medical PostHelping Hand Column, 2011 #3Mamta Gautam is an Ottawa psychiatrist who specializes in treating physician patients. If you have a question you would like addressed in this column, please contact Dr. Gautam at mgautam@rogers.com. Please include “Helping...

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Career Development: Assessment and Exploration

Medical PostHelping Hand Column, 2011 #2Medicine has been a rich and rewarding career.  Yet, lately, you have started to feel restless, recognizing that work seems to be less stimulating and challenging that it used to be.  This is not uncommon; the majority of us...

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Successfully Managing Your Career in Medicine

Medical PostHelping Hand Column, 2011 #1We have all taken a distinct path to becoming a physician. Some of us knew from the very start that this is what we wanted to be when we grew up.  Others knew once they started high school.  Still others among us had no idea...

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Resilient Physicians Deserve Resilient Medical Systems

Medical PostHelping Hand Column, November, 2010Attempting to define the dimensions of resilience in physicians in past columns has been an enriching experience.  Instead of answers, my questions often led to more questions.  The five components that I have defined are...

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A Resilient Physician Cares for Self

Medical PostHelping Hand Column, October, 2010Caring for others is inherent in being a physician.  This is what we do best – it is intuitive for us, we are trained to do this, and it is our role and goal. Having empathy for others, a desire to care for others and make...

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A Resilient Doctor is a Calm Doctor

Medical PostHelping Hand Column, September, 2010 We all know them – the doctors who can be in the midst of turbulence and chaos, and manage to stay calm. These are the colleagues at work whom we admire, since their day seems to take less out of them.  We wonder how...

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A Resilient Doctor is a Committed Doctor

Medical PostHelping Hand Column, July, 2010As doctors, we choose to enter the medical profession because we want to make a difference.  We can easily recall that dream we had as a medical student – of wanting to cure illness, stamp out disease, and make our patients...

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Resilient Doctors are Connected Doctors

Medical PostHelping Hand Column, May, 2010In my training as a child psychiatrist, I recall reading with great interest about Donald Winnicott’s conceptualization of the psychic space between the mother and child, which he termed the Holding Environment.  If this were...

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Do I Need an MBA?

Coach's CornerCSPE Newsletter, May 2010I am just returning from the Canadian Conference on Physician Leadership, held in Toronto in April.  It was an excellent conference - highly practical, educational, informative and inspirational.  The first afternoon featured a...

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